Sunday 24 November 2013

Transffered] Quitting Drinking Alcohol

                                                                                        Written by A.Lee       

      We saw that many 'one day' stars fell into hell.  As much as they have got fame and money, they lost mind control speedily , Lots of super stars have left us like that.

     Every one knows how much alcohol is harmful to their own body and health. #Alcohol can destroy the life of drinker himself/herself. And it destroy lives of people who are around of him/her - family, friends etc. 

         In Asia people drink alcohol every day. There are plenty of chances to drink. People drink in any reasons - after work, before work, party, meeting, stressful, no job, broken heart, make dating, no dating, sad, joyful, angry etc. That's why lots of people in Asia are potential alcoholic. When drinkers or their families  realize that something wrong -some make violence, it might be too late. According to their own drinking cultures, there are lack of care centers for alcoholic. Most of Asian countries  open under the danger of 'future alcoholic'.

         In Western people mainly drink alone. This culture has seriously dangerous also. Under life pressure people need someone to be with - family, friends, office colleagues, lovers. However people have to decide everything alone , to overcome every situation alone, and fall into the hell alone. Neighbors, friends and colleagues do not care of him/her. Because they think that the willing of drinking is belongs to drinker himself/herself. Because drinker is already adult who has responsibility of 'the willing' - although it evokes bad event. The circulation is repeated.

       Drinking alone -> Making depression more and more -> Loosing control power -> Occurrence violence or suicidal -> Working next day -> drinking after work -> ..

When local communities realize that there is serious alcoholic who needed help, mostly it becomes too late. Is there alcoholic around you? You shouldn't keep quiet and shouldn't wait until the drinker make trouble -violence, suicidal etc. [END] 4mytmw

This post is transferred from my other blog named 'Quitting Alcohol'

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